been very busy
Quality of slideshow is for info only it does not reflect the calendar.
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Calendar 2013 on sale now!!
Apologies for late sale due to loss of dear house bunny & Sybil Sybil suffering from kidney disease, it has been and is a difficult time.
Homemade slimline calendars (14.5cm x 42.5cm approx),
We'll send your copy anywhere in the world:-
UK - £ 6.50 (includes P&P)
EUROPE - £ 6.80 (includes P&P)
REST OF THE WORLD - £7.50 (includes P&P)
Please pay via Paypal Button and make sure you include your name and full address. Thankyou
If you would like more than 1 calendar please e-mail airedalesareus@ntlworld.com for a combined price first. Thank you
GET YOURS NOW!! Don't forget £1.00 from each calendar goes to Airedale Rescue UK and this year 50p goes to Disabled Rabbits in memory of our Dear Jasper. Thank you.
Calendar 2013 piccys can also be seen on 'The Calendars' page very soon.
Disclaimer: The information contained in the calendar pages are from sources believed to be reliable and to the best of our knowledge were true and accurate at the time of printing. Airedalesareus.com accepts no liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising as a result of use of or reliance on this information, whether authorised or not. No Copyright intended.